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Re: A Woman's Place (Kol Isha)

I think that many people, both within and without the Orthodox Jewish
community, will be surprised to hear that tradition compared to
a "cancer."

It is one thing to look at a community of which one is not a member and explain 
why one would not become a member, or why one ceased to be a member (in my 
case). It is very Jewish (in our argumentative, halakhic-forming/disputing 
aspects) to do so, but nonetheless, it is quite astounding to find someone 
demanding that another culture consense that it must change to meet one's 
person sense of how people should live and relate to each other.

When those traditions affect people outside the culture--racists expressing 
intolerance, for instance--we have a right and duty to speak up, but, rhetoric 
aside, that is not the case here.


At 11:11 PM 2/20/01 -0500, you wrote:
>Shirona speaks for many of us. Especially me...Lynn

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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