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Re: A Woman's Place (Kol Isha)

In a message dated 2/19/01 12:15:43 PM, shirona (at) bellatlantic(dot)net 

<< Sorry for being corny - but - G-d bless America! >>

I have sat on the sidelines and thoroughly enjoyed the Kol Isha debate, but 
please, Shirona, from an ex-Brit living in the USA (and I might add a US 
citizen!) We 'Americans' are no where close to being an exclusive camp. Don't 
continue to sully an already bad reputation - ie, we are the only ones out 
there that matter! Kind of puts a cloud on the whole 'Kol Isha' debate!
So . . . .
"G-d bless all thinking humans" wherever they are.
Alan Falk
Nefesh Klezmer

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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