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Re: how many hands has Joseph Moskowitz?

Thanks, Pete.  Sigh.  So many notes, so little time.  

But you're right, and I'm mildly embarrased because I thought I went
thru the notes with a fine tooth comb looking for info on other 
instrumentalists.  Max Yussim played piano on that track (a Bela Hargy
played on some others).

But just knowing there is a piano helps he seperate out the two sounds
in my mind.

It would still help to have a third hand.

thanks for the responses, folks.


Peter Rushefsky wrote:
> Roger-- I think the answer is "yes."  Both are happening on Buhuser Chusid.
> There is a piano accompaniment (I don't have the disc in front of me, but I
> thought it lists the piano player-- a Bela something).  But also, Moskowitz
> uses his right hand to throw in bass notes, especially at the end of phrases
> or to emphasize melodic turns.  Often a tremolo is played by the left hand
> while the left hand slugs bass notes.  

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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