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Jewish Music Roundtable

The Jewish Music Roundtable has an exciting and interesting series of
speakers lined up this year for our Thursday morning roundtable at MLA in
New York in February, scheduled for 11am. I'm excited about this
extraordinary opportunity that only being in New York makes possible!!

Here's what happening and I hope you can join us --Judy Pinnolis

1)Dr. Eliott Kahn,
Music Archivist,
Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America,
New York City.
Dr. Kahn's talk is entitled: "Archival Resources for Jewish Liturgical
Music in the New York Metro Area."  Dr. Kahn will speak about the music
archival collections at the Jewish Theological Seminary, Hebrew Union
College School of Sacred Music, and several other major synagogue and
instiutional collections in the NYC area.

2) Ryna Kedar, Head, Acquisitions and Cataloging Division
The Felicja Blumental Music Center and Library
Tel Aviv, Israel will speak about the "Special Collections in
The Felicja Blumental Music Center and Library, Tel Aviv, Israel".

Ms. Kedar has volunteered to fly in from Israel to talk to our MLA group!
She will speak about the special collections of Hebrew, Yiddish and other
Jewish materials and give an overview of the collections in her library in
Tel Aviv. She will speak about the Archive, including the Hubermann,
Stutschewsky and Ravina collections.

3)Mr. Lorin Sklamberg, Sound Archivist,
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, NYC.
Mr. Sklamberg, famous internationally as vocalist and performer in the
"Klezmatics" klezmer band, (current album: "The Well" with Chava
Alberstein), is also a sound archivist. He will give us "An Introduction to
the Archives of The YIVO Institute Music Collections, New York City". The
treasures of the YIVO Institute respresent one of the most significant
Jewish music collections world wide.  Mr. Sklamberg will speak about
musical field recordings such as those of Ruth Rubin or the Weinreich
Yiddish Dialect Project for spoken speech. He will discuss how the YIVO
archive is being utilized by current day active musicians and will bring a
small exhibit of artifacts from the YIVO Institute for display.

Judith S. Pinnolis
Reference Librarian
Coordinator for Publications and Training
Brandeis University Libraries
Goldfarb Library MS045
P.O Box 549110 
Waltham, MA 02454-9110
fax: 781-736-4719
email: pinnolis (at) brandeis(dot)edu

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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