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Re: Jewish Music Roundtable

On Wed, 31 Jan 2001 14:48:03 +0200 (IST), you wrote:

>Dear List,
>As you saw from Judy Pinnolis's posting, I will be attending the MLA
>convention and speaking at the Jewish Music Roundtable. I will be in the
>NY area from the 19th (the conference is 21-24) until my departure on Feb.

I heard that "Nigunim" (Frank London & Lorin S.) will be at the Jewish Museum 
on the 24th.

I won't be here :(

Trombonist, "Kap'n Klezmer and the Klez Kadets"
now with klezmer reviews!

"So the music will go off automatically when I turn off the computer, right?" 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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