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Re: Klezmer "bootlegs"?

on 1/27/2001 7:50 PM, Yakov (Koby) at kchodosh (at) 
suffolk(dot)lib(dot)ny(dot)us wrote:

> Do you or does anyone else have live tapes/CDs available for the cost of
> postage and media?
> Yakov.

I have contacted many Klezmer artists and have posted to the list a few
times about authorized live recordings. Unfortunately, Klezmer artists seem
to be opposed to allowing any recordings of their performances mainly due to
contract agreements with recording labels and for fear that they will "lose
money" by allowing a few free recordings to circulate. It's really too bad
because bands who authorize live recordings enjoy the benefit of having
their music circulated to a large audience of serious music fans. This kind
of word of mouth advertising/sharing helps to sell more CDs and concert

There are some legitimate distribution streams for these live recordings
such as that have a very strict policy of only allowing
authorized, high-quality recordings in order to respect and preserve the
integrity of the artists as well as the music. Bootlegs, unauthorized
recordings, are strictly forbidden and banned. By high-quality, people who
participate in the etree project typically rely on a specific type of
compression (shorten) that maintains the quality of  digital music files,
unlike mp3s (that, imo, sound rather flat and crummy).

Etree servers are maintained by volunteers with high-speed internet
connections (shorten files are still really large and take a long time to
download) containing rock, jazz, bluegrass and a lot of other wonderful
music. I have a cable modem, ftp server and lots of drive space that I'd
love to stuff with live Klezmer and other interesting live jewish music as
soon as anyone is willing to authorize it. 8)

"Each thing, in so far as it is in itself, endeavors to persist in its own
being." --Baruch Spinoza, (Pr. 6, III) The Ethics

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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