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Re: Maxwell Street Concert Feb. 10 in Lincolnshire

on 1/24/01 10:50 AM, MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com at MaxwellSt (at) aol(dot)com 

> Please help us spread the word!  Thanks.
> Lori
> The Stevenson High School Performing Arts Center will present the Maxwell
> Street Klezmer Band on Saturday, Feb. 10, 7:30 PM at Adlai Stevenson High
> School in Linconshire, Illinois.  The band will be presenting new repertoire
> from their upcoming album, including "Klezmer Rhapsody," a classical-klezmer
> composition.
> Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 students/seniors.  Call: (847) 634-4000,
> x1882.

Hi Lori. I'm a Klezmer fan in Chicago. A friend of mine is an expert live
performance "taper". I'd like to know if you and Maxwell Street Klezmer Band
allow taping of any of your live shows. If you do, we would never sell these
recordings...we would only make them available to others who appreciate the
music. I'd be happy to talk to you more about this if you want any more

Thanks a lot,

btw, at some point, I'm planning to collect old Klez 78s and archive them to
CD...perhaps you might have some good advice on sources for 78s. 8)

"Whatever we endeavor according to reason is nothing else but to understand;
and the mind, in so far as it exercises reason, judges nothing else to be to
its advantage except what conduces to understanding." --Baruch Spinoza, (Pr.
26, IV) The Ethics

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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