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RE: romancing (romanticizing) the shtetl

Seth Austen wrote:
> useful. In my opinion, the fusions that tend to work the best are those in
> which the players are the most grounded in the tradition.

I heartily second this maxim, or my name isn't also Seth!

Seriously, a firm grounding in the tradition goes a long way towards
excusing all kinds of
promiscuous fusionizing. I'd also say it's also important to have a firm
grounding in the music with which you're trying to fuse.

So that, for example, if you're trying for a klezmer-reggae fusion, you
ought to have a strong
foundation or understanding of the fundamentals of both. If you're weak in
either area, it will

Seth Rogovoy
author of "The Essential Klezmer: A Music Lover's Guide to Jewish Roots and
"invaluable" -- Allan Kozinn, New York Times
"indispensable" -- George Robinson, Jewish Week

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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