Mail Archive sponsored by Chazzanut Online


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year's top 10, more or less

So, every year I mean to write some sort of "state of klezmer," or at least, 
"state of the edges of Jewish culture as expressed by music, as perceived by 
me." I also want to give credit to those artists whose music made this year 
especially good. This year, unlike most years, I've written both. You can read 
about the new Romance of the "Shtetl." (I'm mostly ag'in' it) and "the best 
recordings of 2000" all on the same page.

Enjoy! Pass the URL onto friends for discussion, but don't print out too many 
copies--Tu B'Shvat is only a month away, and it's never to early to save some 
trees :-).


Ari Davidow
ari (at) ivritype(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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