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Re: wedding music

Budowitz Website:

> Well, I already have a question for Sir Josh.  Why is it called "Wedding
> Without a Bride"?  I think this disc may become part of my small collection
> shortly.  What I've read (and heard) of it seems fitting.  --J.
>> How about the beautiful wedding music on both the Khevrisa and Budowitz
>> latest
>>  albums?  Perfectly appropriate and exquisite.

Okay, force me out of my hole then.... I guess the explanation could be
post-modern, like...

"Explaining artistic expression deprives it of its mystery and multiple

Or brain-fried:..."I dunno, just seemed like a cool thing to, like, call it,
but, like, I mean, you can call it whatever ya want, you know, I mean, like,
if ya want to...Whoa."

Or neo-German... "Ve vant to mek a recordink dat go against our
faders and moders who don't like de Jevish peepuls and so, after ve hear
Feidman, ve know dat de Jevish peepuls are ready to hear us play dis musik
again, but ve don't hav no more brides"

But in the end...

"Why not buy the album and find out?"  Josh

PS Thanks for the kind words. Drinks are on me next time we meet, y'all.
Just wish reviewers would stop grouping the Khevrisa and Budowitz Cd
together as though they were some kind of Siamese twin. I'm sure the guys in
Khevrisa feel the same way about that.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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