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Re: Chanuka music

On Tue, 14 Nov 2000 11:39:26 -0500, you wrote:
>Of those, the only one that will really excite kids is the "Oy Vey, Chanuka!" 
>album. Granted, it's extraordinary, but I'd guess that there are more.

Lisa gave me a copy at CAJE... great music, but I think the CD could be a 
little less wordy. There's a lot of mono- and dia-logues throughout. And the 
liner notes are include a well-written "study guide." Great great music tho! 
The spartan instrumentation (Lisa: violin, Sruli: accordion/clarinet & bass 
drum/hi hat) probably is cool for kids so they can pick out the different 
instrument sounds. At least I guess that was the idea

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