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Re: Chanukah music

... ah what the heck I will be somewhat self serving and suggest a  
compilation cd I produced, Celebrate Chanukah. It features: 

1. The  reggae beat of "Shel Chanukah" (Hanukkah blessings)  by Alan Eder,  
sets the joyous tone with the first track.  

2. Tzimmes, a Canadian group that emphasizes the tremendous diversity in 
Jewish music, performs "Maoz Tsur" (Rock of Ages), 

3.  Judy Frankel performs the traditional Ladino or Judeo-Spanish song 

4.  "Ocho Kandelikas," a children's Hanukkah counting song performed by Flory 
Jagoda, who grew up in the Sephardic tradition in Sarajevo, Bosnia. 

5.  The bittersweet violin and clarinet tones of "Chanike Oy Chanike" by 
Sruli & Lisa bring the sounds and flavors of the old country to a new 
6. Rock and folk styles are represented by the guitar duo of Craig Taubman 
and Laurence Juber (of Paul McCartney's Wings fame) with the fast-tempo "Maoz 
Tzur" (Rock of Ages). 

7.  Peter Yarrow performs his original classic "Light One Candle," 

8.  Debbie Friedman's moving "Not By Might - Not By Power" was recorded live 
at Carnegie Hall.  

9. Ben Sidaran does a jazz rendition of the children's favorite "I Have a 
Little Dreidel. 

10.  Piano soloist Jon Simon shares another  version of  "I Have a Little 

11. Rabbi Joe Black adapts Psalm 139 for a rocking English-Hebrew "Tzur 
Chayeinu" (Rock of Life). 

12. Younger listeners will enjoy the alterna-rock performance of "Al Hanisim" 
 by Yom Hadash, a band that describes itself as "four nice Jewish boys from 

You can sample the CD at


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