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Klezmer status

Can someone clarify this for me please...  

My grandfather who came from Russia, once said to my two younger brothers ( 
back in the late sixties )  who were seriously into playing Rock 'n Roll - 
"what, you want to be Klezmers?"...   That was the first time I heard the word 
"klezmer", but knowing Hebrew, and the words "Klei Zemer" - I understood the 
meaning.  But the tone of his comment was derogatory, and that upset me.  To 
me, anyone involved in music was by default in very HIGH status. So I asked for 
an explanation.  He kinda shrugged and said - "you know... people playing in 
weddings and such... it isn't  such a great honor..."

So to the best of your knowledge - HOW were musicians regarded socially in the 
"old days", back in "the old country"?

Many thanks,

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