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partisan tangos, again

Hi everyone -- just after I posted my request for partisan tangos, I got 
mysteriously bumped off the list, so.... if anyone wrote anything back to
me, I have not been able to see it.  I am back on now, and will reprint my
request, and ask that anyone who responded do so again to me, off list.
Thank you very much.

First a little history, and then a question.

Many  of you know that I have been working for years on a project of
collecting tangos with Yiddish lyrics.  To date I have collected over 150
such tangos, as well as dozens of Polish and Argentine instrumental tangos
written by Jewish composers.  I am writing (and soon performing) a musical,
dance and theatrical performance called Shtil, Mayn Corazon -- A Yiddish
Tango Cabaret, which will debut in Portland, Oregon on December 13th.  (My
website will be ready within the next couple of days, and I will post a
message when it is up and running.)

Here's my question -- of all these songs I have found, including dozens of
ghetto tangos, I have not found any partisan tangos, and there is a part of
my plot that is just calling out for one.   Does anyone know of any?

Thanks in advance,

Jenny Levison
Producer and Artistic Director
Tango Meydl Productions
PO Box 12309
Portland, OR 97212
(503) 936-8264

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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