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Re: Glass Harmonica & Frank London

Glass harmonica refers to both arrangements.

Matt Jaffey wrote:

> Thanks to r l reid for clarifying the difference between a glass harmonica
> and a bunch of half filled wine glasses. I also enjoyed looking over the
> URL's suggested by Bryan Stover, in which there are illustrations of glass
> harmonica's, which are in the "spindle mounted glass bowl" formation.
> According to these URL's the invention is indeed attributed to Benjamin
> Franklin, and the problem with the lead in the glass wasn't insanity - it
> was death.
> My prior entry on this thread made a wrong assumption for the following
> reason: Frank London's own PR about his new "cantorial based" album says he
> uses a glass harmonica. I saw him on TV playing "cantorial based" music,
> and being accompanied by a bunch of upright goblets, each partially filled
> with water. I assumed his PR was referring to the "instrument" that I saw
> accompanying him. So either he misused the term "glass harmonica", or he's
> tried both approaches, one on the album, and the other on TV.
> Matt

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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