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Re: Kosher Instruments?

ro (at) panix(dot)com wrote:
> That said, in general, kashrut has to do with what you eat, 
> not other applications.  In other words, don't eat those suede shoes!

I'm dissatisfied with the answer I gave.  The original question was
clearly related to the laws of schecting an animal for food; but there
are points of kashrut that apply to instruments.

But they are not about materials, they are about the time that you
use them.  I was assuming the questioner knew that instruments are
not played on shabbos or yom tov if you observe halacha, nor in
public at certain times of the year.

It's probably answering the question that wasn't being asked, but 
I wanted to be sure, and of course, if you have a sincere interest
in a reliable answer (as opposed to mild curiosity) check with a
halachic rabbi that you trust.  (Don't ask questions of halacha if
you don't intend to follow the decision).

and again, I am *not* a rabbi, so don't trust my answer to guide your actions.


r l reid        ro (at) panix(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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