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SV: Fwd: Yiddish short story for klezmer film sought

What's the title of this film? Does anyone know if it is available on video and 
where I can get it?
> khevre,
> While it is not exactly on the same topic as described below,
> Chava Albertstein's film dealing with elderly Yiddish poets
> in Israel, some of whose poems she set to music and sang
> on her CD with the Klezmatics, The Well, is a work that Dan 
> Katzir (and the rest of us as well) should see or, at least, 
> be aware of. I'm not sure of the exact name of the film. She 
> showed it a couple of  years ago at Klezkamp when she 
> performed the repertoire from The Well with the Klezmatics. 
> I think I heard that it has become available for purchase
> and screenings. 
> While not specifically involving klezmer music, The film 
> deals with music based on Yiddish poetry and there is a 
> sequence dealing with an Israeli musician relating and
> reacting (sympathetically) to Yiddish culture beyond the
> stereotypes.  And whether or not the music on The Well
> CD is,strictly speaking, klezmer music (after all, it IS the 
> Klezmatics),  it is Yiddish music of the highest quality.
> Nokhem-Leyb Friedman
> On Sat, 21 Oct 2000 13:38:47 -0400 Ari Davidow <ari (at) ivritype(dot)com> 
> writes:
> > >Dear friends,
> > >Regarding my email asking people to help with info regarding a 
> > short story
> > >for a fiction film about  a klezmer musician.
> > >I am sorry for raising unnecessary anger among some of you.
> > >I have received a few hostile emails - I prefer to answer them with 
> > warmth.
> > >I hope to clear some things and still hope to get your assistance.
> > >I still ask your asistance.
> > >You are right - Many Israeli's do not know enough about the 
> > beautiful and
> > >old Jewish culture.
> > >That is why I have decided to start investigating.
> > >
> > >I have been a documentary filmmaker from a young age and have 
> > worked in this
> > >field for over ten years. Films I have worked on have been screened 
> > around
> > >the world. I have won awards in the US, Europe and even in Asian 
> > countries
> > >among them Shanghai-China and in Taiwan. Perhaps some of you have 
> > seen a
> > >film I produced and directed called - "Out for back 
> > shortly" It
> > >was bought in the US by HBO. It has played in over 100 
> > International film
> > >festivals worldwide and screened in many TV stations around the 
> > globe.
> > >(Too bad I wasn't as good a business man as a filmmaker - and so I 
> > actually
> > >managed to lose money on this huge success. Yet I have realized 
> > that also in
> > >the future I care more about telling stories I feel passionetly 
> > about rather
> > >than about becoming a businessman  )
> > >My film is considered one of the most important films about the 
> > Rabin era in
> > >Israel and is taught today in many high schools and universities. 
> > You can
> > >also visit the website of the film to read what 
> > many
> > >viewers from around the world have thought about this film.
> > >
> > >I was lucky to meet simon who opened my eyes and heart to klezmer 
> > music.
> > >I have experience making films, and reaching a large audience. It 
> > would be
> > >an honor for me to make a film that deals with klezmer if I find 
> > the right
> > >story. I find it not only interesting but also important.
> > >Like in documentary films - this is now the stage of doing research 
> > and I
> > >would need your help.
> > >
> > >I have fallen in love with Klezmer music- yet know very little 
> > about it.
> > >That is why I have asked all your assistance.
> > >Althought my family originally is from eastern Europe -Growing up 
> > in
> > >Israel - I do not know that much about that culture.
> > >
> > >If the short fiction film I am making will succeed - perhaps I will 
> > manage
> > >to find the funding to make a feature lengh film.
> > >
> > >A good fiction film- will do so much more to  raise the awarness of 
> > the
> > >general audience to Klezmer music .
> > >Please understand- It would have been much easier to make a short 
> > about so
> > >many other subjects that are much more trendy and cool- yet I chose 
> > to make
> > >it about a klezmer musician- because I want to try to bring our 
> > cultural
> > >heritage to a larger audience - Jews and non Jews.
> > >
> > >The short I am making will be shot on 35m"m - which will allow it 
> > to be
> > >shown in cinemas.
> > >Even if you don't know people in Los Angeles who might help me- if 
> > you know
> > >people anywhere in the US who might be able to assist in any way - 
> > please
> > >let me know.
> > >I travel often to screenings of my film around the states - so I 
> > could meet
> > >with people not just in LA.
> > >
> > >I love Bernarnd Melamuds way of telling stories - and would like to 
> > find a
> > >story that would have the same tone.
> > >These are not stories about Titanics and Star Wars but rather about 
> > ordinary
> > >people with tiny but very realistic human dramas.
> > >I want to try to find a short story that will manage to have the 
> > same magic
> > >that klezmer has- the ability to laugh and cry at the same time, 
> > combined
> > >with the warmth and love of humanity. For me- klezmer is a 
> > celebration of
> > >life.
> > >I think that a good short film is like a short anecadote - it 
> > usually tells
> > >about a short meeting that transforms someone's life in some way. 
> > It doesn't
> > >have to be a huge life or death situation - it could be somthing 
> > small yet
> > >very emotional.
> > >It can happen in the street , at home, in a wedding, at a Bar 
> > Mitzvah.
> > >If any of you know short stories about this - or if any of you know 
> > short
> > >anacadotes from the life of Klezmer musicians, please help .
> > >
> > >My original idea, was to find a story about an old klezmer musician 
> > who is
> > >looking for a last recognition at the end of his career. He finds 
> > it in his
> > >last performance in a Bar Mitzvah.
> > >that was just a general idea, yet it can be any other idea - or if 
> > any of
> > >you know someone, who has been in a situation like the one I 
> > described.
> > >If any of you remember or know true life stories that happened to 
> > you or to
> > >others - that would also be wonderful.
> > >
> > >
> > >Thank you in advance.
> > >Dan Katzir
> > >love (at) katzirdan(dot)com
> > >
> > >
> > >-----Original Message-----
> > >From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> > >[mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org]On Behalf Of Robert Cohen
> > >Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 2:45 PM
> > >To: World music from a Jewish slant
> > >Subject: Re: Fwd: Yiddish short story for klezmer film sought
> > >
> > >
> > >It's good, of course, that we try to be there for each other on 
> > this list w/
> > >respect to music/information/etc. searches, but this guy just seems 
> > to want
> > >everybody to do his work for him.
> > >
> > >Unless this has been unintentionally garbled in transition, it's an 
> > inane
> > >request.  He's looking for "a" short story to make a film of?  Good 
> > grief!!
> > >Read some short stories, man, and then more, and then more, until 
> > you find
> > >one you want to dramatize.
> > >
> > >Unless, again, this is a garbled transition, this fellow is not a 
> > serious
> > >artist by definition.
> > >
> > >
> > >>From: Ari Davidow <ari (at) ivritype(dot)com>
> > >>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> > >>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
> > >>Subject: Fwd: Yiddish short story for klezmer film sought
> > >>Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 09:47:48 -0400
> > >>
> > >>Perhaps someone from jewish-music could help this person.
> > >>--ari
> > >>
> > >> >From: "Dan Katzir" <love (at) katzirdan(dot)com>
> > >> >Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 02:57:09 -0700
> > >> >
> > >> >My name is Dan Katzir and I am an Israeli filmmaker.
> > >> >I am currently living in Los Angeles.
> > >> >Last year I heard for the first time Klezmer music and fell in 
> > love with
> > >>it.
> > >> >I am looking for a short story I could develop into a fiction 
> > film, and
> > >> >would like to know if you could assist me in some way- either if 
> > you know
> > >> >some, or if you know who could help me.
> > >> >I would also be grateful if you could refer me to people in Los 
> > Angeles
> > >>who
> > >> >could assist me in this project
> > >> >Thank you in advance
> > >> >Dan Katzir
> > katzir1 (at) post(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il>
> > 
> > ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org 
> > ---------------------+
> > 

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