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Re: Fwd: Yiddish short story for klezmer film sought

While it is not exactly on the same topic as described below,
Chava Albertstein's film dealing with elderly Yiddish poets
in Israel, some of whose poems she set to music and sang
on her CD with the Klezmatics, The Well, is a work that Dan 
Katzir (and the rest of us as well) should see or, at least, 
be aware of. I'm not sure of the exact name of the film. She 
showed it a couple of  years ago at Klezkamp when she 
performed the repertoire from The Well with the Klezmatics. 
I think I heard that it has become available for purchase
and screenings. 

While not specifically involving klezmer music, The film 
deals with music based on Yiddish poetry and there is a 
sequence dealing with an Israeli musician relating and
reacting (sympathetically) to Yiddish culture beyond the
stereotypes.  And whether or not the music on The Well
CD is,strictly speaking, klezmer music (after all, it IS the 
Klezmatics),  it is Yiddish music of the highest quality.

Nokhem-Leyb Friedman

On Sat, 21 Oct 2000 13:38:47 -0400 Ari Davidow <ari (at) ivritype(dot)com> 
> >Dear friends,
> >Regarding my email asking people to help with info regarding a 
> short story
> >for a fiction film about  a klezmer musician.
> >I am sorry for raising unnecessary anger among some of you.
> >I have received a few hostile emails - I prefer to answer them with 
> warmth.
> >I hope to clear some things and still hope to get your assistance.
> >I still ask your asistance.
> >You are right - Many Israeli's do not know enough about the 
> beautiful and
> >old Jewish culture.
> >That is why I have decided to start investigating.
> >
> >I have been a documentary filmmaker from a young age and have 
> worked in this
> >field for over ten years. Films I have worked on have been screened 
> around
> >the world. I have won awards in the US, Europe and even in Asian 
> countries
> >among them Shanghai-China and in Taiwan. Perhaps some of you have 
> seen a
> >film I produced and directed called - "Out for back 
> shortly" It
> >was bought in the US by HBO. It has played in over 100 
> International film
> >festivals worldwide and screened in many TV stations around the 
> globe.
> >(Too bad I wasn't as good a business man as a filmmaker - and so I 
> actually
> >managed to lose money on this huge success. Yet I have realized 
> that also in
> >the future I care more about telling stories I feel passionetly 
> about rather
> >than about becoming a businessman  )
> >My film is considered one of the most important films about the 
> Rabin era in
> >Israel and is taught today in many high schools and universities. 
> You can
> >also visit the website of the film to read what 
> many
> >viewers from around the world have thought about this film.
> >
> >I was lucky to meet simon who opened my eyes and heart to klezmer 
> music.
> >I have experience making films, and reaching a large audience. It 
> would be
> >an honor for me to make a film that deals with klezmer if I find 
> the right
> >story. I find it not only interesting but also important.
> >Like in documentary films - this is now the stage of doing research 
> and I
> >would need your help.
> >
> >I have fallen in love with Klezmer music- yet know very little 
> about it.
> >That is why I have asked all your assistance.
> >Althought my family originally is from eastern Europe -Growing up 
> in
> >Israel - I do not know that much about that culture.
> >
> >If the short fiction film I am making will succeed - perhaps I will 
> manage
> >to find the funding to make a feature lengh film.
> >
> >A good fiction film- will do so much more to  raise the awarness of 
> the
> >general audience to Klezmer music .
> >Please understand- It would have been much easier to make a short 
> about so
> >many other subjects that are much more trendy and cool- yet I chose 
> to make
> >it about a klezmer musician- because I want to try to bring our 
> cultural
> >heritage to a larger audience - Jews and non Jews.
> >
> >The short I am making will be shot on 35m"m - which will allow it 
> to be
> >shown in cinemas.
> >Even if you don't know people in Los Angeles who might help me- if 
> you know
> >people anywhere in the US who might be able to assist in any way - 
> please
> >let me know.
> >I travel often to screenings of my film around the states - so I 
> could meet
> >with people not just in LA.
> >
> >I love Bernarnd Melamuds way of telling stories - and would like to 
> find a
> >story that would have the same tone.
> >These are not stories about Titanics and Star Wars but rather about 
> ordinary
> >people with tiny but very realistic human dramas.
> >I want to try to find a short story that will manage to have the 
> same magic
> >that klezmer has- the ability to laugh and cry at the same time, 
> combined
> >with the warmth and love of humanity. For me- klezmer is a 
> celebration of
> >life.
> >I think that a good short film is like a short anecadote - it 
> usually tells
> >about a short meeting that transforms someone's life in some way. 
> It doesn't
> >have to be a huge life or death situation - it could be somthing 
> small yet
> >very emotional.
> >It can happen in the street , at home, in a wedding, at a Bar 
> Mitzvah.
> >If any of you know short stories about this - or if any of you know 
> short
> >anacadotes from the life of Klezmer musicians, please help .
> >
> >My original idea, was to find a story about an old klezmer musician 
> who is
> >looking for a last recognition at the end of his career. He finds 
> it in his
> >last performance in a Bar Mitzvah.
> >that was just a general idea, yet it can be any other idea - or if 
> any of
> >you know someone, who has been in a situation like the one I 
> described.
> >If any of you remember or know true life stories that happened to 
> you or to
> >others - that would also be wonderful.
> >
> >
> >Thank you in advance.
> >Dan Katzir
> >love (at) katzirdan(dot)com
> >
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> >[mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org]On Behalf Of Robert Cohen
> >Sent: Tuesday, October 17, 2000 2:45 PM
> >To: World music from a Jewish slant
> >Subject: Re: Fwd: Yiddish short story for klezmer film sought
> >
> >
> >It's good, of course, that we try to be there for each other on 
> this list w/
> >respect to music/information/etc. searches, but this guy just seems 
> to want
> >everybody to do his work for him.
> >
> >Unless this has been unintentionally garbled in transition, it's an 
> inane
> >request.  He's looking for "a" short story to make a film of?  Good 
> grief!!
> >Read some short stories, man, and then more, and then more, until 
> you find
> >one you want to dramatize.
> >
> >Unless, again, this is a garbled transition, this fellow is not a 
> serious
> >artist by definition.
> >
> >
> >>From: Ari Davidow <ari (at) ivritype(dot)com>
> >>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> >>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
> >>Subject: Fwd: Yiddish short story for klezmer film sought
> >>Date: Sat, 14 Oct 2000 09:47:48 -0400
> >>
> >>Perhaps someone from jewish-music could help this person.
> >>--ari
> >>
> >> >From: "Dan Katzir" <love (at) katzirdan(dot)com>
> >> >Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2000 02:57:09 -0700
> >> >
> >> >My name is Dan Katzir and I am an Israeli filmmaker.
> >> >I am currently living in Los Angeles.
> >> >Last year I heard for the first time Klezmer music and fell in 
> love with
> >>it.
> >> >I am looking for a short story I could develop into a fiction 
> film, and
> >> >would like to know if you could assist me in some way- either if 
> you know
> >> >some, or if you know who could help me.
> >> >I would also be grateful if you could refer me to people in Los 
> Angeles
> >>who
> >> >could assist me in this project
> >> >Thank you in advance
> >> >Dan Katzir
> katzir1 (at) post(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il>
> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org 
> ---------------------+

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