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Re: Yiddish short story for klezmer film sought

In a message dated 10/22/00 6:09:27 AM, apikoyros (at) juno(dot)com writes:

<< Chava Albertstein's film dealing with elderly Yiddish poets
in Israel, some of whose poems she set to music and sang
on her CD with the Klezmatics, The Well, is a work that Dan 
Katzir (and the rest of us as well) should see or, at least, 
be aware of. I'm not sure of the exact name of the film. >>

I think the name of the film is Too late to sing, to early to be quiet. I 
agree that it must be seen.
            Paula Teitelbaum

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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