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Fwd: my mikita tants

Hello Jacob!
I liked the rhyme! Especially since zu kapn a dremel also means to catch a 
nap or a snooze! And when your tune is written, please let me know ... I 
can't wait to hear it. You can bet I won't be snoozing then!
All the best.
Alan Zemel

In a message dated 9/11/00 10:30:59 PM, bloom (at) gis(dot)net writes:

<< Lovely, Helen.  It reminds me that I once considered writing a fast turning

couple dance in honor of musician Alan Zemel.  It was to be called the Zemel


(Dremel, like Makita, is the name of a brand of power tools.  The tools

Dremel makes turn very fast.)


P.S. Nancy is insisting that I rework the Mikita Tants to be a Morris dance.

Picture six Morris dancers in long underwear clashing hockey sticks to

klezmer music, while the Fool and the Betty throw chickens.>>


Check out my website at <A 
el</A> to hear my latest tunes!
--- Begin Message ---
Hello Jacob!
I liked the rhyme! Especially since zu kapn a dremel also means to catch a 
nap or a snooze! And when your tune is written, please let me know ... I 
can't wait to hear it. You can bet I won't be snoozing then!
All the best.
Alan Zemel

In a message dated 9/11/00 10:30:59 PM, bloom (at) gis(dot)net writes:

<< Lovely, Helen.  It reminds me that I once considered writing a fast turning

couple dance in honor of musician Alan Zemel.  It was to be called the Zemel


(Dremel, like Makita, is the name of a brand of power tools.  The tools

Dremel makes turn very fast.)


P.S. Nancy is insisting that I rework the Mikita Tants to be a Morris dance.

Picture six Morris dancers in long underwear clashing hockey sticks to

klezmer music, while the Fool and the Betty throw chickens.>>


Check out my website at <A 
el</A> to hear my latest tunes!

--- End Message ---

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