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my mikita tants

Dear List,
Here is something I came up with just today since we need some humour.  To 
fully appreciate this masterfully choreographed piece you need to know 3 
1.      That an Israeli choreographer once told me that he choreographs many 
dances while sitting at his kitchen table in his underwear.
2.      Since I couldn?t find any blue Japanese power tools(as described by 
I have substituted blue hockey sticks
3.      tinikling is a dance form in the Philipines where bamboo poles are 
clapped together and then on the ground while dancers jump around between 
the poles  trying not to get caught by the poles
Mikita Tants

History:  This dance originates in the Southwest portion of Calgary.  It was 
choreographed today by me while sitting at the kitchen table in my long 
johns (it?s colder in Calgary than in Israel).  The dance is designed as a 
fusion of the traditions of the broiges dance, Hockey night in Canada and 
the ritual of shlogn kapores.

Costuming and props:  2 blue hockey sticks, a frozen Cornish game hen, knee 
pads, elbow pads, shin pads and any other type of pad you can think of.

Music:  Any 2/4 klezmer tune or the theme song from Hockey Night in Canada

Formation and rules:  The male dancers begin in the face off position with 
the Cornish game hen in the middle.  The women stand behind the men.  There 
is no high sticking, cross checking or body checking allowed.  Also, it is 
not advisable to eat the game hen until the end of the dance.

Figure 1
Partners turn to face one another.  Women grab the end of the hockey sticks 
and circle with partner 7 times (wards off the evil eye)

Figure 2 (tinikling)
Women let go of the sticks.  Men hold ends of both sticks and kneel to floor 
and bang the sticks together.  Women jump in between the sticks like 
tinikling.  This is symbolic of man?s inhumanity to man/women.

Figure 3 (poultry toss)
Men stand up and hold sticks aloft, parallel to ground.  Woman  1 picks up 
hen and tosses it over the sticks to woman 2.

Figure 4 (barbecue and reconciliation)
Woman 2 places hen in the barbecue (after unwrapping of course).  They all 
go away to watch hockey for a while.  Then they come back and eat the hen.

The End

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