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Re: Jankowski Tsimbls

-- Budowitz Home Page:

Dear AS,

Naturally, all of us who are involved in playing the tsimbl and spreading it
are interested in new sources. If, as you say, there are probably more
tsimbls in the Buffalo area than anywhere in the state, could you please
provide contacts? Also, if you know of more tsimbl makers who are able to
overcome the specific problems of making the Witebsk chromatic tuning,
please let us know. The tsimbl community is small and needs all the help it
can get to grow. To encourage makers of the instrument is as essential as
getting people to play it. If you know something we don't, please share it.
It would also help if you identified yourself with your name. Otherwise,
given the tone of your letter, one might be simply be tempted to preface the
initials you provided with the name Jack. Josh Horowitz

> That's a no brainer.  Buffalo is the klezmer capital of upstate/western NY.
> Probably more tsimbls here than anywhere in the state outside of NYC.  Pete
> probably has most of them.  And between Cleveland and Toronto, what an ethnic
> mix to draw on. Not to mention our own Hellenic, Macedonian, Croatian, Serb,
> Irish, Swedish and Polish (Dyngus Day) festivals.  And this is from a NYC
> native.  Let's move on please.
> AS

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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