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Workmen's Circle Centennial Jubilee and Yiddish in the Park Concerts


In case anyone is planning to be in the Cleveland area on the 8th and
9th of July, I'd like to invite you to two events I will be singing at.
The first is the Workmen's Circle Centennial Jubilee, on Saturday the
8th, at which I will be singing with two groups, The Circle Klezmer
Quartet and The Workmen's Circle Klezmer Orchestra, and the next evening
with the orchestra in a pre-show concert at the annual Yiddish in the
Park Concert, this year featuring The St. Petersburg Klezmer Orchestra
and Adrienne Cooper and Zalmen Mlotek.  It should be a very good show.
Let me know if any of you will be there.

A dank,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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