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re: making judaism cool

>  That is when the third generation
>of a family that immigrated to another country like america becomes
>interested in learning about their culture.  The first generation wanted
>to asssimilate and didn't pass down much and so the 2nd generation is
>very assimilated.  Right now there are many of those third generation
>members, like me, trying to find out more about their culture. 

Or, perhaps, you belong to a fourth generation, Rachel, of American Jews who 
don't see those same walls we all do. Whatever it is, welcome to the list. And 
don't lose that spirit--no matter what we jaded old-timers might say.

Anybody see the rebroadcast of AVALON on cable recently? What a beautiful 
explication of three (and four) generations of the American Jewish immigrant 
experience. And, yes, I realize that the actors weren't all distinctly Jewish. 
Nevertheless, I found it a profoundly moving story and an accurate portrayal of 
what we lost and gained in the goldene medina. 

Eliott Kahn


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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