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Re: Klezkanada dance sessions (Carla)

Hi Matt, For some reason I missed this message when it arrived, so I react a
bit late.
True, I remember I danced only once, but I was afraid to state this in case
it was I who had missed other dancesessions. After all, no one really knows
what goes on everywhere. It's nice to be able to put a face to a name, as I
take it you're the drummer I met at both Klezkamps. Wonderful weeks they
Be well everybody, I'm unscubscibing for a while.
  Carla da Silva.

----- Original Message -----
From: Matt Jaffey <mjaffey2 (at) mum(dot)edu>
To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
Sent: Wednesday, May 31, 2000 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: Klezkanada dance sessions (Carla)

> Carla wrote:
> > sessions with Michael and Zev on some evenings. I was there
> >last year...After some concerts Michael and Zev taught dancing in an
> >informal way, i.e. you just follow what they do...the dancing is one of
> >the informal relaxation activities, if I may call it thus, free for all.
> Did this really happen on more than one night? or was this only on Sat.
> night after the concert when it finally ended at 2 A.M.? My experience
> after two years at KlezKanada is that "you just follow what they do" isn't
> very helpful for learning dances; though it is fun and, as you said, a
> "free for all". The problem with following Michael is that when a line
> dance starts to snake in and out with a lot of people, including
> spectators, you may be able to see Michael's head, but most dancers won't
> see his feet - so what are people following?
> By putting two 1 hour dance sessions in the printed schedule after faculty
> concerts on Weds and Thurs (never in the schedule before), and removing
> afternoon dance workshops, I wonder if KlezKanada is intending that these
> dances involve more formal instruction this year?
> I second Carla's opinion that KlezKanada is worth attending for other
> reasons, such as the music, lectures, wonderful people, and beautiful
> location.
> Matt Jaffey
> (not to be confused with the Matt that Joshua Horowitz complained about in
> a recent email unintentionally sent to this list - Hi Josh glad to hear
> you'll be at KlezKanada this year; if I'm able to go as well, I'll look
> forward to meeting you finally.)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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