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slow Hora-compiled dance notes

Off the list, we have been dissecting the slow hora.  So here is what we've 
come up with--three different versions that seem to be in circulation.  Of 
course your input always welcome.

The Slow Hora(3 variations)

A) Moving and facing right beginning with right foot walk 1 step per measure 
for 3 measures followed by a touch (1 Measure). Face centre for the touch 
and lean back slightly, foot points towards centre.
The entire sequence using opposite footwork  is then done to the left, steps 
to the left are smaller;so, dance progresses to the right. After walking the 
three steps to the left, turn slightly to face right and the touch is done 
facing right this time.
Dance begins again from the beginning
Arms are in W position. Arms pulse  upwards and slightly forward on each 
Circle or line formation.
(version learned by Jacob Bloom and Bonnie Kaplan from Michael Alpert)

B) The biserka version--Bucharina Hora (not sure what the name Bucharina 
refers to)
circle formation

Handhold for this is hands joined and held stiffly out forward, shoulder 
level.  I (Helen)have been told this is a traditional Moldavian handhold(not 
necessarily Jewish), and I've learned it in a Romanian dance called Hora de 
la Chirchani by Theodor Vasilescu.

begin facing right
right (1 measure) left(1 measure ), RL (slow quick rhythm), R (1measure)
Then facing centre:
L steps in (1 measure)
R steps out (1 measure)
still facing centre move to the left with:
L, R (slow, quick)1 measure
L (slow hestitate) 1measure, this also moves to the left

Movements should be fluid but not cat-like.  Avoid excessive toe pointing 
when moving in the line of direction.
(version learned by Jacob Bloom and Bonnie Kaplan from Michael Alpert)

C) Facing right
RL (slow, quick)1 measure
R (slow, quick--hesitate) 1 measure
L R (slow, quick) 1 measure
L (slow, quick hesitate)1 measure
In version C, this sequence is the basic unit that can be done forwards(line 
of direction), backwards(still moving in line of direction but facing 
reverse line of direction), moving towards centre & back out, or facing 
centre moving side to side.
Hands in W position and joined, line or circle formation
(From a Dance Syallabus by Eric Bendix)

Also mentioned, is the fact that you can improvise within the character of 
the dance.

Don't forget to have some fun!

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