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Re: Klezkanada dance sessions (Carla)

Carla wrote:
> sessions with Michael and Zev on some evenings. I was there
>last year...After some concerts Michael and Zev taught dancing in an
>informal way, i.e. you just follow what they do...the dancing is one of
>the informal relaxation activities, if I may call it thus, free for all.

Did this really happen on more than one night? or was this only on Sat.
night after the concert when it finally ended at 2 A.M.? My experience
after two years at KlezKanada is that "you just follow what they do" isn't
very helpful for learning dances; though it is fun and, as you said, a
"free for all". The problem with following Michael is that when a line
dance starts to snake in and out with a lot of people, including
spectators, you may be able to see Michael's head, but most dancers won't
see his feet - so what are people following?

By putting two 1 hour dance sessions in the printed schedule after faculty
concerts on Weds and Thurs (never in the schedule before), and removing the
afternoon dance workshops, I wonder if KlezKanada is intending that these
dances involve more formal instruction this year?

I second Carla's opinion that KlezKanada is worth attending for other
reasons, such as the music, lectures, wonderful people, and beautiful

Matt Jaffey
(not to be confused with the Matt that Joshua Horowitz complained about in
a recent email unintentionally sent to this list - Hi Josh glad to hear
you'll be at KlezKanada this year; if I'm able to go as well, I'll look
forward to meeting you finally.)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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