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FW: Private Specialized Recordings Collections

> Reyzl: Shoah

I have no idea how many Holocaust-related records we have, but we have a 
very large collection of Yiddish 78s and 33's - about 130-200 records. 
  (We got all of YIVO's 4th and 5th copies of their records.)  We also have 
about 80-120 Yiddish cassettes, but not that many CD's, and not that much 
contemporary klezmer recordings.   The Yiddish records span a wide range 
and there are many very special and rare recordings.   I used to buy 
recordings at the NYBC and Workmen's Circle Bookstore sales.   Don't have 
much patience to look through thrift shop holdings, but I have found some 
things there.   Not much Yiddish there though.

What is very special here is the large Yiddish music book collection we 
have.   These are books and original Yiddish music my husband bought or 
inherited from a variety of sources.  There is also a large Boiberik music 
archive that includes many plays and performances he wrote and composed in 
the 10 years he was music director there.   He claims he doesn't have 
everything, but what do I know about that.  (The full/real archive is at 
YIVO.)   We also have at least 20+ inchs of copies of Yiddish song sheets 
Josh used when he taught music in the Columbia summer program or used. 
  There are is also a very nice classical, folk, opera, and world music 
collection.  We have about 2,000 Yiddish books.

I think I still have Frank Sinatra 78 to give away if anyone wants.

I am sure that others here have larger collections.

Please don't ask to borrow things.   If I had time I would copy the 78 on 
cassettes, but have never gotten to it.  I would also gain a whole closet 
if I were to get to that.


-----Original Message-----
From:   robert wiener [SMTP:wiener (at) mindspring(dot)com]
Sent:   Monday, April 03, 2000 5:35 PM
To:     World music from a Jewish slant
Subject:        Private Specialized Recordings Collections

The mention of the Chad Gadya collection made me realize that our
group members combined probably have a collection of Jewish Music
recordings that surpasses any collection in the world.

But I also believe that many of us have focused our efforts on
particular areas or themes.  For example, one of my concentrations is
recordings on the story of Noah and the Flood.

>From our contributions I believe that our specialized collections
include the following:
Ari: klezmer
Christian: contemporary European klezmer
Eliott: liturgical choral?
George: especially jazz
Gideon: rock
Haim: Israeli folk dance
Hayyim: rock (Leonard Cohen)
Hankus: Yiddish
Helen: klezmer dance?
Henry: klezmer
Ingemar: jazz?
Itzik: Yiddish
Jerzy: Polish
Joe: ?
Joel: everything Ladino
Josh: Eastern European
Judah: early music
Judith: Ladino field recordings
Judy F.: ?
Judy P.: ?
Lori (either): ?
Marvin: ?
Matt: ?
Owen: ?
Paul: early klezmer
Reyzl: Shoah
Robert: contemporary liturgical
Seth: klezmer (+!)
Simon: everything?
Skip: ?
Trudi: ?
Winston: liturgical
Wolf: oddball

Please correct me if I've misrepresented you, annotate if I haven't.
I've pretty much just dashed this off, so I'm sure that I've left out
many.  My apologies to you.

Please tell us of your special interest.  Anyone for Israeli pop or
classical?  Yiddish theater?  Seder music?


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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