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playlist for tonight's "Rockin' the Shtetl"

I rarely if ever plan ahead what I'm going to play on "Rockin' the Shtetl"
(I know, some of you are saying "it shows!"), but I prefer the
improvisational method. Sometimes this works better than others. At its
best, it surprises me, the one picking the tunes. Tonight's show was like
that; I wound up surprised by the way the songs flowed together. So I
thought I'd share with you the playlist: for those of you who listened, this
is what you heard; for those of you who didn't, this is what you missed; for
those of you who can't figure out how to hear it over the Internet, don't
feel bad -- neither can I!

Rockin' the Shtetl, April 3, 2000:

Brave Old World, "The Tune," Blood Oranges
Margot Leverett, "Freilicher Yontov," Art of Klezmer Clarinet
Khevrisa (unidentified song off of upcoming album)
Budowitz (Unidentified song off of upcoming album, "Wedding without a Bride"
Finjan, "Harbstlid," Dancing on Water
Shirim, "Oyfen Pripitshek," Oy! It's Good
Pharaoh's Daughter, "Koomi Lach," Out of the Reeds
Alhambra, "Una Noche Yo Me Armi," Joy of Jewish-Spanish Song
Frank London/Adrienne Cooper, "SHabbos Bride," Shekhina
Rabbi Shefa Gold, "Betrothal (Verastikh Li)" Hymnanence
Klezperanto, "I Drink to Forget"
Masada, "Shamor," Zayin
Daniel Asia, "Allegretto from Symphony No. 1," SYmphonic Works of Daniel
Frank London/Lorin Sklamberg, "Sweat Pts. 1 & 2," The Shvitz

Seth Rogovoy
Host, "Rockin' the Shtetl," WCFM, Williamstown, Mass., Mondays 9-10pm US
Eastern time

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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