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Re: Influence of Bach on Hatikvah

   Hey Gentleman if you believe that Bach wrote Hatikvah I refer you to St. 
Matthew's Passion by Bach.  The libretto is an Anti-Semites dream.
             Trudi the G

>From: Matt Jaffey <mjaffey2 (at) mum(dot)edu>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: Influence of Bach on Hatikvah
>Date: Sat, 01 Apr 2000 11:45:17
>Judah wrote:
><<I could mention the similarities between the opening measures of Bach's
>Double Concerto in D minor and the opening phrase of "Hatikvah,">>
>But I thought it was well known that Bach actually wrote Hatikvah! ;-)
>On the other hand, if you start out with a known good causal connection,
>such flimsy similarities can mean more. I'm only bringing this up because
>the Bach/Hatikvah example reminded me of it. This has nothing to do with
>the topic Judah was writing on:
>Did anyone else notice that, in the "In the Fiddler's House" documentary,
>when Perlman was improvising with the Klezmatics, at one point he started a
>solo with the opening bar of a Bach violin partita? In this case, I
>wouldn't call it a coincidence. People tend to fall back on what they know
>when they improvise.

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