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RE: Re Protocols of the Elders of Zion

Dear Adrian:

Your remarks are, to me, apropos to the discussion we were having on 
Germans and Jewish music last week.

As several people as well as I pointed out, we were impressed by the lack 
of bias and sensitivity that were displayed by many in the new generation 
of Germans. This is because, as you pointed out, they were well educated, 
against hatred--particularly of Jews. It's a well-known fact that 
anti-semitic literature has been illegal in Germany since the end of WW II. 
If any groups want to acquire this literature--sadly--they must write away 
or find websites in the U.S. and Canada.

Could it be that the difference between this new generation of West Germans 
and several of their East German countrymen is that the former confronted 
their demons and tried to teach their children otherwise? It didn't seem to 
hurt the children of West Germany NOT to be exposed to hate literature.  I 
am under the impression that much of the neo-Nazi activity in reunified 
Germany is carried out by disaffected, unemployed East Germans.

Ist das richtig? Vielleicht unsere Deutsche Musikanten kann ueber dieser 
Gegenstand reden.

  Of course, exposure to all sorts of hate literature and violence has 
helped American society immeasurably. Now we have six-year old children 
shooting their classmates.

At 07:04 AM 3/7/00 -0600, you wrote:
>For the record:
>While I understand the sensitivity on this issue, let's look at it from
>another point. This semester I happen to be taking a course in Judaism
>taught by a Jewish instructor. It so happens that the "Protocols" are
>required reading for the course. So is "Mein Kampf" and a plethora of other
>anti-Semitic (and also self-loathing Jewish) writings. Considering that
>these writings are probably used in not a few Judaica courses around the
>country, it is not altogether surprising to find them listed under Judaica.
>What have we to fear from the open discourse of online reviews of these
>materials? That the ideas will spread? They are going to spread, whether we
>like them or not. The answer is not censorship, the answer in education. And
>the latest statistics bear this out. The ADL says anti-Semitism in the US is
>down substantially. One reason is that we do allow access to materials like
>the "Protocols" so people can see the lengths to which people will go to
>defame the Jewish people. When the material is not available, it becomes a
>"secret" that anti-Semites can exploit. Better it is out in the open where
>all can see it for the ugly thing it is.
>Don't ask Amazon or BN to change things. Do as others have done and respond
>to these online reviews-but with facts and figures, the latest known
>historical facts about the protocols which show them for the forgery they
>are and is now more certain than ever about the original source. Call your
>school boards and make sure your community's children are being properly
>educated about these issues. That's the proper response-rather than a
>Adrian A. Durlester  -  durleste (at) home(dot)com
>Student, Vanderbilt University Divinity School
>Music Director, Congregation Micah, Nashville, TN
>Home phone (615) 646-9788 Nextel cel-phone (615) 207-2661
>You can page me from
>List-Owner for hanashir (at) shamash(dot)org; Co-Owner for L-Torah (at) 
>Editor, Bim Bam (for Torah Aura Productions)
>Alternate Email: aad (at) iname(dot)com  adriand (at) aol(dot)com
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> > [mailto:owner-jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org]On Behalf Of Klezcorner 
> > (at) aol(dot)com
> > Sent: Sunday, March 05, 2000 4:05 PM
> > To: World music from a Jewish slant
> > Subject: Re Protocols of the Elders of Zion
> >
> >
> > This is not music related, but I do believe it is an important issue. I
> > received this from another list to which I subscribe.
> >
> > <<I am forwarding the following message from my brother, Cantor
> > Daniel Green.
> > I checked his information and unfortunately, it is indeed correct.
> > Joyce Levine
> > Hebrew Academy of Nassau County
> > Uniondale, NY
> >
> >
> > Chevra,
> >
> > I have learned that Barnes and Noble is carrying this notorious
> > anti-Semitic book
> > both online and in its stores under the Judaica category.  If
> > that were all, Dayenu.  I am sorry to report that the situation
> > is even worse, for Barnes and Noble has "customer reviews" on
> > its website to spread even more lies and hatred to the whole
> > world.  I quote the following horrible "review" verbatim:
> >
> > Number of Reviews: 2    Average Rating:  5 Stars
> >
> > L.Weinman, a History Professor from NY, November 1, 1999,
> > You cannot argue facts using censorship...
> > The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, issued by Theodore
> > Herzl to the Zionist Congress held in Basel, Switzerland in
> > 1897. He outlines a plan for world power by gaining control of
> > the media, politicians, governments, etc., to build the 'New
> > World Order.' Written 100 years ago, today we can see it's plans
> > becoming a reality before our very own eyes. Confronting the
> > historical events that took place after the book was written and
> > the plans outlined inside it, provides an iron proof of the book
> > authenticity.
> >
> >
> > Rabbi Eric A. Silver of Cheshire, CT has written the following
> > response, and I have followed suit.  I urge you to check this
> > out on the Barnes and Noble website and consider sending them
> > the same message:
> >
> >      "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion" is an anti-Semitic
> > forgery created to disparage Jews and to disseminate hatred.  I
> > was appalled to discover that you are listing the book on your
> > internet site under Judaica, and concurrently, carrying it in
> > your stores under the same heading.
> >      "Since I am a believer in freedom of the press, I would
> > question only your judgment in carrying the book at all, since
> > it is a scurrilous, hate-mongering text.  However, you do not
> > have the right to carry it under the rubric of "Judaica" because
> > that is what it manifestly is not.  Would you carry a book
> > written by the KKK purporting to be an African-American plot to
> > take over the world as "Black Literature?"  In the name of
> > honesty, I insist that you not participate in the
> > misrepresentation of this book as "Judaica."  Perhaps you should
> > create a separate category called "hate-literature" or
> > "propaganda" and carry it there with the disclaimer that the
> > book is, in fact, a forgery.  That in the name of honesty.
> >      "In the name of sheer decency, you should not carry the book
> > at all.  In the name of responsible business practices, you owe
> > it to your customers to act immediately and unequivocally, and
> > to cease being a partner in a fraudulent venture that has cost
> > untold thousands of lives.
> >      "I will not patronize Barnes and Noble, its internet site or
> > its stores, until you do something to remedy this situation.  I
> > will do my level best to advise as many people as I can of the
> > fact that you are carrying this scurrilous anti-Semitic tract
> > and are misrepresenting it as "Judaica" rather than the
> > hate-literature it is."
> >
> > Cantor Daniel Green
> > Congregation B'nai Israel
> > Toms River, New Jersey>>
> >
> > Amazon also carries this title.
> > Simon
> > Hatikvah
> >
> >

Eliott Kahn, D.M.A.
Music Archivist
Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary of America
3080 Broadway
New York, N.Y. 10027
         (212) 678-8091
FAX: (212) 678-8998

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