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RE: Re Protocols of the Elders of Zion

There is conclusive evidence that this is a forgery. Look it up. In 
materials going all the way back to before the Russian Revolution, 
Trotsky(not one of my favorite Jews, but a Jew none the less, cites it as a 
forgery). Coincidentally, so does Lenin.

>From: Aaron Bousel <abousel (at) mindspring(dot)com>
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant <jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org>
>Subject: RE: Re Protocols of the Elders of Zion
>Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2000 12:03:43 -0500
>I just went to B&N and there are now only two customer reviews of the book,
>both declaring it a forgery.  The one saying it was genuine is gone.
> is another story.  They have also removed the same offensive
>review but the content of their "Book Description" contains the following:
>"......Some say the issue has already been settled conclusively-that it is
>clearly a forgery. Although there may be final evidence to this effect, we
>have not seen a clear and convincing version of it produced by those making
>the claim. ......"
>".....If, however, The Protocols are genuine (which can never be proven
>conclusively), it might cause some of us to keep a wary eye on world
>affairs. We neither support nor deny its message, we simply make it
>available for those who wish a copy. "
>I don't know where this comes from.  It's not a customer review, my guess
>is that it's from the book jacket.  I guess keeping the "controversy" of
>authenticity alive is a good way to sell the book.
>By the way, anyone out there ever read it?
>Aaron Bousel
>abousel (at) mindspring(dot)com

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