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Fwd: Klezperanto in Northampton, MA April 8

>From: "Ilene Stahl" <klezperanto (at) prodigy(dot)net>
>Subject: Klezperanto in Northampton, MA  April 8
>Date: Thu, 24 Feb 2000 09:41:03 -0500
>    Klezperanto, KCB clarinetist Ilene Stahl's burning-hot six-piece world
>beat band with roots in the Klezmer revival, brings its irresistible dance
>grooves to the Northampton Center for the Arts, 17 New South Street., April
>8 at 8 p.m.
>    You never heard Klezmer like THIS at a bar mitzvah!  The band's music is
>the natural progression of the Klezmer tradition, which has always been an
>ever-evolving form of lively, accessible dance music.
>    Klezperanto's repertoire spans from zydeco, rockabilly, second-line and
>gut-bucket renditions of of traditional Klezmer tunes, to cumbias, Balkan
>brass band surf music, and some very non-standard settings of American jazz
>    For over 13 years Klezperanto bandleader Ilene Stahl has been the
>featured clarinet soloist with the the world-renowned Klezmer Conservatory
>Band, a gig which follows years as a performer in the Pioneer Valley.  The
>KCB, based in Boston, has performed traditional Klezmer on national and
>international radio and television.  Theis band was featured with violinist
>Itzhak Perlman in the PBS special "In the Fiddler's House," which inspired
>two recordings and an ongiong concert tour of the same name.
>    In addition to Stahl, Klezperanto also includes three other KCB
>veterans:  Evan Harlan on accordion, Mark Hamilton on trombone, and Grant
>Smith playing drums, plus Boston's own "Oy-Wonder" Brandon Seabrook on banjo
>and electric guitar, and Mike Bullock, the world's most animated bass
>    Klezperanto has performed for enthusiasctic audiences in the greater
>Boston area and in New York; larger venues have included Celebrate Brooklyn!
>last July and an upcoming summer concert at Mass MoCA.  The group
>anticipates the release this year of its first CD, on the international
>Naxos label.
>    The Northampton concert is one night, one show only.  Tickets are
>available at the door for $12, $7 for students and seniors.  For more
>information call the Northampton Center for the Arts at (413) 584-7327.
>    Join Klezperanto's email list!:  mail (at) klezperanto(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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