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RE: Klezmer in Lederhosen

>We should know better from experience, from also being an oppressed

Absolutely true.  It is so important to remember that in our discussions.
Sometimes we refer to the *people*, when really what we intend is to take
issue with their music.  I have a hard time with some of the generalizations
I am reading in these discussions.  Please keep in mind that it only takes
one exception to disprove a rule.  And often there is one.  For *example*, I
know several German non-Jews who are some of the most open-hearted people,
ready to learn about Jewish culture, belief, and experience.  Yes, I know
that there are the others as well.  But we must give individuals a chance,
just as we always hope that others will do for us.  (Are we all guilty until
proven innocent?)  We may not initially understand them, and they us, but
this makes our efforts all the more crucial.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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