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Re: Israeli Music Publications Limited

robert wiener wrote:
> Hanna,
> Thank you so much for your generous offer.
> I have, thus far, been unable to get a lead other than a snail mail
> address.  Unless I do receive some more information I would appreciate
> it if you would see if they still have:
> Braun, Joachim: "Jews and Jewish Elements in Soviet Music: a Study of
> Socio-national Problem in Music", Tel-Aviv, IMP, 1978.
> I have a copy from the New York Public Library which I can photocopy,
> but I'd like to buy a copy if possible.
> Thanks,
> Bob

I'd like to have this book too. This topic is interesting for me so, so
much, because I'm a Russian Jew. I know a vocal cycle From Jewish Folk
Poetry by Dmitry Shostakovitch, some opuses of Sergei Prokofiev on
Jewish themes... Also - listen to our Russian songs which were written
by Jews - Isaac Dunayevsky (we were celebrating his 100th anniversary),
Matthew Blanter, Mark Fradkin, Oscar Feltsman etc. - they have been put
in their songs Jewish prayers and Yiddish songs... I think maybe George
Gershwin and other American Jewish composers did the same thing in their


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