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Klezmer is dead

Klez-is-dead evidence:  

1.Simon said his klezmer records don't sell as well as his Ladino albums.

2.Yesterday, at a Cleveland Jewish bookstore, the owner said to me, 
"Klezmer and Yiddish are on the way out." 
3. A couple weeks ago, a friend of mine said, "I'm not sending you any
klezmer newspaper clippings these days because there aren't any."

4. Henry Sapoznik's terrific klez book came out in Dec., and not a word on
it yet in the major print media. (And not much talk about it on this list
either, for that matter).

So, hey, the boom is over.  Let's all play Latin! 

(In hindsight, we can now say klez peaked in 1996, right after Perlman's
PBS special.) 

Bert Stratton
(Mr.Faith Popcorn)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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