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Re: Reply to... (Clarinet)

>As for kvetches, krechts etc.
>there is quite an art to these, and room for a great deal of subtle 

No doubt.
But still, folk singing, be it untrained or not, is still an important clue 
to ornamentation, especially krekhtsn, and especially where to use them in a 
melody. It naturally depends very much on the kind of music you?re playing. 
There?s Yiddish music requiring highly artful ornamentation, but when I?m 
playing a plain folk tune, I want it to sound natural, and then folk singing 
definitely serves as a model. (By the way, I think that?s what you meant, 
Dan...) Eventually transfering this to an instrumental style, that?s where 
art comes in, though it shouldn?t be heard... 
Anyway, playing or singing we enjoy always sounds natural, folky or refined, 
trained or untrained. (Listen to my baby daughter...)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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