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Re: Polish Jewish Music query

Lori - If you want to learn/sing Polish Yiddish songs, here are some
recommendations on the "folky" side.  I would recommend looking into
Menakhem Kipnis' two collections ["60 lider" "80 lider"]. He indicates from
whom or where he learned the songs, most in Poland. If you are looking for
songs that mix Polish and Yiddish, he has a section on that too. Also I.L.
Cahan's collection published by YIVO ["yidishe folkslider mit melodyes"]
contains mostly Polish Yiddish songs and says where he recorded them. All
of these collections have the music and texts. Spertus College should have
these. As for recordings, the field recordings of Mariam Nirenberg, are
also wonderful examples of Polish Yiddish songs. I don't know  where this
recording is currently available.  And of course, look into the Mlotek's 3
printed song collections. Yosl Mlotek is from Warsaw and a number of songs
are from his repertoire. In any case, all the songs are well annotated and
tell you where the song is from. The Mloteks also include Yiddish theater
songs from Poland.- Itzik

Dr. Itzik Nakhmen Gottesman
Assistant Professor, Yiddish Language and Culture
Department of Germanic Studies
University of Texas at Austin
EPS 3.102
Austin, TX 78704-1190
NEW PHONE NUMBER (512)232-6360 work
(512)444-3990 home


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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