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Re: Polish Jewish Music query

I have no hard evidence on Varshever Freylekhs, but when I used to do
international folkdance there were many polish dance tunes that had the
same feel as Varshever, especially the third section.

By the way, Re: Gebirtig.  Fraidy Katz and the Klezical Tradition created a
wonderful program of Gebirtig songs called "Der Zinger fun Noyt."  I hope
they have more opportunities to perform it and to record it.

Zayt gezunt (be healthy),

Yosl (Joe) Kurland
The Wholesale Klezmer Band
Colrain, MA 01340
voice/fax: 413-624-3204

At 12:10 AM -0500 2/9/2000, HNetsky (at) aol(dot)com wrote:
>The Gebirtig idea is a good one!  As for the Varshever Freylekhs, is there
>any evidence that this tune is from Warsaw?  I know the "Biz In Vaysn Tug
>Arayn" version and always assumed it was from southern Ukraine.  -Hankus

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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