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Re: "elevating" ("improving") folk music

Does anyone have the below-mentioned CD?

eliott kahn wrote:

> The folks here who frequently refer to the Beregovski Collection should
> realize that the core of the collection that Beregovski cataloged,
> transcribed, and annotated in the 1920s-1930s were the cylinder recordings
> made during the Baron Horace von Ginsbourg Expedition of ca. 1913-1914. The
> two ethnomusicologists who made these field recordings were Joel Engel
> (somewhere in the Pale, I forget), and Lazare Saminsky in the Caucausus
> region. As you can see, both these men were instrumental in founding the
> Societies for Jewish Folk Music. I believe that Engel is referred to in
> Israel as "the father of Jewish music."
> The lost cylinders were recently recovered and are now at the Vrenadsky
> Library in Kiev. The recently published CD was just a sampler compiled by
> the Library from the many cylinders in their possession.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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