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Just finished Henry's (Hank snow's) book

I just turned the last page of "Klezmer," Henry Sapoznik's new release. A 
very interesting read!! I was nice to hear some of the stories of the old 
guys. I really wish there was a companion Cd. I would have loved to be 
hearing everything I was reading about. The amount of work that must go into 
this kind of research boggles my mind. I was definitely, pleased to find out 
that a lot of the "old guys" played in the Czars' Band. That something I find 
inspiring having just left "Our" military band program. So if you want some 
great klezmer background get the book. 

Tom Puwalski ( the artist formerly known as sarge)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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