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Re: Lullabies

In a message dated 12/15/99 3:13:19 PM, jbresler (at) ma(dot)ultranet(dot)com 

Solnik, Tanja, From Generation to Generation: A legacy of lullabies, 

Tanja also has a follow up recoding to her "Legacy..." recoding called 
"Lullabies and Lovesongs" which also contains Yiddish, Ladino, and Hebrew. 
Amongst others, she does an excellent version of "Avre Tu Puerta" .  Tanja is 
related to Flory Jagoda.
We stock both of these recordings!

I've been after her for years to do a contorial recording.. She once recorded 
a cantorial peice for me on a "homemade  tape",and beleve me, she can 
Hatikvah Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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