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Re: Lullabies

Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of Organizing Committee I am pleased to inform you
about the First KlezFest in Ukraine which will be the next year
on August 2000 in Crimea, Evpatoria City. This event will
include lectures of Ukrainian and American tutors as for the
history and present day of klezmer music over the world ,
master classes of famous Jewish musicians, concerts etc. Also,
we'll present for your attention the music of Crimean Jewish
groups - Caraims and Crimchacs.

If you'll interest to take part in this event contact, please:

The Center of Jewish Education in Ukraine:
Kurskaya str. 6
Kiev 02049, Ukraine
center (at) cjeu(dot)carrier(dot)kiev(dot)ua

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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