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Re: promiscuous fusionizers

I would add that this surely applies to many other instances of inspired, 
creative fusion--such as ... Gershwin!!  (OK, "a foolish consistency ..., 
etc." or, much deeper:  "Anything real is full of contradictions" [Shlomo 
Carlebach])  Not that there's not a place, OF COURSE, for in-depth, 
conscientious study and mastery of a given tradition or style.  But inspired 
creativity--esp. of _hiddushim_ (loosely, new forms or styles)--doesn't 
always work that way--rlc

>In a message dated 12/9/99 3:34:28 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
>Sapoznik (at) aol(dot)com
><< That being said, all I am calling for is a measured and thoughtful
>  to the internalization and application of a traditional music form. Learn
>  old music in all its variations and differences before you start applying
>  other newer elements to it.
>  It is possible to be both literate in the old music and forward looking 
>  its multi-cultural contemporary application.
>   >>
>I agree with this but only to a point. Would you have preferred to wait for
>Debussy to finish immersing himself in Indonesian Gamelan music before his
>later work?

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