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RE: Basia Frydman

>>>Basia Frydman was born in Poland and lives in Sweden. She is an actress as 
>well as a singer. Her style is that of a cabaret singer and is a great 
>interpreter of the song rather than a great singer. >>
>Absolutely, she is a song stylist or interpreter, but the thing that makes
>her so interesting is the manner of her interpretations. Maybe others have
>sung in that cabaret style, but I haven't heard them.
>>> We have carried this recording for about 2 years and though I think it is
>very good Cd, when I tell people that she sings "Yiddishe Mame" in 
>Yiddish,English and Swedish, the put it back. I think that's a shame since 
>the music is Jewish regardless of the language. >> 
>Why tell them? Not that I'm saying you should lie or conceal anything but, if
>you're set up to demo CDs just play songs that have the lyrics in the three
>languages ("Ikh Hob Dikh Tsu Fil Lib", for example) and let people hear the
>Swedish and see if it interferes with their enjoyment of the music. My
>feeling is, if they like it in Yiddish and in English, they'll like it in
>Swedish. If they don't, they won't. This isn't Mandy Patinkin, where he is
>trying to recreate early 20th century America. She's doing unqiue and
>possibly important interpretations of these songs.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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