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Re: Basia Frydman

In a message dated 9/30/99 6:27:01 AM, drosenberg (at) dht(dot)com writes:

The artist is Basia Frydman and the CD is "Farbotene Lider" (forbidden
songs). Forbidden songs were Russian folk melodies with Yiddish lyrics.
According to the liner notes "It was forbidden to speak or even sing
Yiddish, but the songs were smuggled to Israel where they were
(It is also fun to hear verses of familiar songs sung in Swedish)

Her album is generally available. I would like to hear what other list
members think.


Hi Dick,

Basia Frydman was born in Poland and lives in Sweden. She is an actress as 
well as a singer. Her style is that of a cabaret singer and is a great 
interpreter of the song rather than a great singer.

We have carried this recording for about 2 years and though I think it is a 
very good Cd, when I tell people that she sings "Yiddishe Mame" in 
Yiddish,English and Swedish, the put it back. I think that's a shame since 
the music is Jewish regardless of the language.

Yiddish is still our most popular category of music, and most of the Yiddish 
recordings we carry are produced by VERY small European companies that may 
only have 1 or 2 Yiddish titles in their catalogue, yet, some of these 
"unknown" Yiddish recordings have outsold our most popular Klezmer CDs.

"Yiidh Lebt"
Hatikvah Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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