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Fwd: Klezperanto at Johnny D's Thurs. Sept. 30

For those within traveling distance to Somerville, MA on a Thursday night,
a great newish group to hear is Ilene (Klezmer Conservatory Band) Stahl's
Klezperanto.  Here's her post:


>Klezperanto Re-Grooves the Dance Floor at Johnny D's Next Thursday Night
>    September 30, at 9:00, 17 Holland St (Davis Square), Somerville, MA   $8

>For More info. and/or dinner reservations [optional] call 617 776-2004
>    plenty of parking at municipal lot diagonally across the street
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>    Klezperanto, a hot new band with Klezmer Conservatory Band clarinetist
>Ilene Stahl, plays Klezmer and Mediterranean melodies in a bubbling stew of
>New Orleans and other sultry southern rhythms.  It is a bar mitzvah on
>Bourbon Street and Mardi Gras at the Casbah.  In addition to Ilene on
>clarinet, the band includes several other KCB members and "veterans":  Evan
>Harlan on accordion, Mark Hamilton on trombone, and Grant Smith playing
>drums, as well as Boston's own Oy-wonder, Brandon Seabrook on banjo/electric
>guitar/mandolin, and Mike Bullock, the world's most animated bass player.
>Was this message forwarded to you?  Would you like to be on our email list?
>Write Us!:  mail (at) klezperanto(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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