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ANNOUNCEMENT: Internet Klezmer broadcast returns Mondays 9-10pm Eastern US Time

I am happy to announce the return of the hourlong program of klezmer and new
Jewish music formerly known as "The Klezmer Hour," to the Internet airwaves
on Mondays from 9-10pm Eastern US Time.

As always, the show, hosted by yours truly, originates at Williams College
radio station WCFM (91.9FM) in Williamstown, Mass., and can be heard on the
Internet by going to and clicking on
the word "Receive."

Please note that "The Klezmer Hour" has a new name. Henceforth, it will be
known as "Rockin' the Shtetl."

In addition to music, "Rockin' the Shtetl" will include weekly announcements
of klezmer concerts throughout the world, as well as klezmer-related news
and other informative tidbits, as the case may be.

The playlist for "Rockin' the Shtetl" includes vintage, neo-traditional,
revival, modern and contemporary klezmer, as well as its various fusions and
offshoots, new Jewish music, and "Radical Jewish Culture" and "Jewish
Alternative Movement" music.

Sometimes the show is a mix of all this, sometimes it focuses on a specific
aspect or style of music. In the past, themes have included "Music of
Eastern European bands," "Music of Bands from Out-of-the-Way places n the
U.S.," "Jazzy Klezmer," "Clarinets," "Violins," "Dave Tarras," "Naftule
Brandwein," "Vocals," "Song with Funny Titles."

I'll tell the list when I know in advance, but mostly the show is free-form
and improvisational.

I am also open to playlist requests; please Email them to me before 5pm on
the day of the program.

Please also Email concert announcements (if you already send to the list
that's fine, I read the list). And if you would like to send a CD for
airplay consideration, Email me privately and I will discuss the


Seth Rogovoy
Host, "Rockin' the Shtetl,"
rogovoy (at) berkshire(dot)net

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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