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Re: Need expert help

> (Posted by Zelda Katz ) - zelda (at) post(dot)tau(dot)ac(dot)il
>        My father used to talk about a song "Lomir shpiln a liebe",
>        sung by Sarah Gorby. I have never been able to find a
>        recording, or the words. Can you help? A groisn dank aich! 

Possibly this is the song on Ruth Rubin's "Yiddish Love Songs" album
with the title "Shvern Shver Ikh Dir".  It begins: "Oy, lomir beyde a
liebe shpiln".  It's a sad song in which a seamstress solemnly vows
"bei sher un eisen" (by her scissors and iron) to remain faithful to
her lover, who is about to enter the army for 3 or 4 years.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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