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Re: Need expert help

In a message dated 9/14/99 2:40:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
ibarmash (at) princeton(dot)edu writes:

<< We need the lyrics to "it's a tree of life" for my daughters bat
        mitzvah...any help would be great. thanks -
        bbsams (at) aol(dot)com >>

Song is in Manginot - composer Richard Silverman.  It is written as a round, 
simple words, just a little tricky rhythm.

One part is all just the word "Shalom" repeated 8 times.

Other part is:

    It is a tree of life to them that hold fast to it
    And all of its supporters are happy
    It is a tree of life to them that hold fast to it 
    And all of its supporter are happy.

OR - the Hebrew - Eitz Chayim hi, etc.

Hope this helps.


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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